Who Are We

We are the ex-husbands. We are the men who now live with the consequences of the judge’s verdict.

This Book is The Battle Plan

The Divorce Protector ™ book is a collection of experiences both real and scripted of individuals who have spent years of their lives involved in litigation, contract mediation, collections and personal divorces. Together they have decades of experience as either plaintiffs or defendants from local district courts up through multi-billion-dollar federal litigations. Their perspective IS NOT that of an attorney; they are the men whose butts were on the line, on the chopping block. They know who will be carrying the lion’s share of the water personally, monetarily and emotionally. They are experienced and seasoned professionals. Some having appeared as expert witnesses enduring multi-day federal depositions. In short, they are everything the attorney is not. They are the PLAYERS. The WINNERS and LOSERS. Legal events over their careers have had profound and direct impacts upon their lives. They did not collect fees and move on to the next case. They live each day of their lives with the results whether they won or lost.

The Divorce Protector ™ , attempts to provide you with advantageous tactics that lawyers/attorneys will not tell you and in many cases do not know or have experience effecting. The book attempts to mitigate some of the typically egregious and detrimental actions that spouses use against one another.

Divorce Protector ™ will not and does not offer any type of legal advice.

The author and collaborators are not lawyers/attorneys or members of the family court system in any jurisdiction and make no claims to that effect. This book offers strategies for the sole purpose of getting you through the divorce process while maintaining control and ownership of as much of your personal wealth as is possible. Make no mistake, you will not go through this process without some type of loss whether it is financial, emotional or both. For most of us it is a double hammer.

YOU MUST HAVE A PLAN to meet the challenge before you. Divorce Protector ™ , offers the only known action plan written by trial experienced ex-husbands for husbands. From Chapter 2’s emergency response “The First 24 to 72 Hours”, through selecting an attorney to controlling the narrative paving the road for the judge, we provide step by step instructions. We will teach you how to bates number your documents for trial (saving thousands of dollars), answer interrogatories, utilize intelligence operations and non-bank assets up through the type of equipment and software that is necessary. We are serious about what happens to you.

For less than what an attorney charges for one hour we will give you a rock solid strategy to save your butt.